From 2006 to 2007, the number of car insurance policies bought online increased to nearly 40 percent, with almost two million auto insurance policies sold during that period. In 2010, requests for online auto insurance quotes reached 20.2 million. The number of requests still swells in the succeeding years. That’s how relevant the online environment has become for people who want to insure their vehicles.

So how do online quotes help you land cheap auto insurance that meets your needs? Consider these three points.
One, you can get decent quotes and shop for the most suitable car insurance policy without traveling. With the help of websites that offer auto insurance quotes, you save gas money. An added bonus: the quotes are free!
Two, online quotes are generated instantly. Websites that offer auto insurance quotes save you time and allow you to compare different insurance providers simultaneously. It makes shopping for car insurance an easy task because you can compare rates right away. You can shop at your own pace. Fill out the online form accurately, select the appropriate dropdowns, and get your quote.
And three, gathering online auto insurance quotes gives you an overall picture of how much you should shell out to get the coverage you need. Have the make, model, VIN, and year of your car handy. Input your yearly mileage and distance traveled to work, as well as any security features installed in your vehicle. Then generate quotes and compare the policies offered by different car insurance companies.
When you consult with an agent associated with a particular insurance company, you could be missing out on the details from other insurance companies that may be offering a similar coverage for a much lower price. But with free online quotes and with the least time spent scouring different insurance companies, you can zero in on specific policies that meet your insurance needs.